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AIMVOX360 PLATFORM                                                                    

AimVox360 takes a holistic, integrated approach, where both lead & demand generation marketing tactics work together to drive immediate sales pipeline contribution, while setting the table for a constant flow of qualified sales opportunities @ scale. With AimVox360, we’ve developed a methodology that effectively combines direct outbound lead generation marketing for better results.



The four pillars of AimVox360 include:
  • Finding your Ideal Decision-Maker Prospects (AV-Data)

  • Generating a constant flow of highly qualified leads using multi-channel prospecting (Text-Email-Voice)

  • Initiating a steady stream of relevant, live prospect conversations (Team-Dial & Ringless Voice Mail Drops)

  • Reaching Decision-Maker Prospects on channels today's buyer demands creating far more hand raisers & engaged leads @ scale



Whether profiling a prospect based on their digital buying behavior on the Web or exploring options with a prospect over the phone or via email we enable or customers to find, connect and engage a prospect faster.


Simply put, AimVox gives sales & marketing pro's what they need to dominate because it’s what today’s buyer demands.























AimVox360 provides Sales Leads On-Demand @ Scale! Our solution was designed for the purpose of providing highly targeted sales leads with ideal decision-makers within our clients specific target market. AimVox can be used to handle any step of the lead, demand, and sales generation life-cycle that best fits your needs. When generating leads using the


AimVox360 platform our clients generate prospects @ scale using messaging cadences and timing to ensure that the prospect meets specific criteria ensuring more qualified hand-raisers vs. stale leads and tire-kickers. Examples of qualifications could include:


  • Decision Maker – Are they a key decision maker or one of a team

  • Sales Initiative – What their business needs are currently & in the future

  • Budget – Do they control budget; do they have budget

  • Time Frame – When do they plan to make a buying decision


We have the expertise to find what you are looking for and nail down the ideal prospects for your company and sales team. With our hyper-targeted data repository along with our outbound, multi-channel digital prospecting solutions and marketing technology stack ensure success for any company that takes sales seriously. We welcome open communication with our clients and allow you to be involved as much or as little as you choose every step of the way.


How AimVox360 Works?


1. Understand Your Business

We start off every client by first understanding their business, their targeted leads, area of interest, and any past lead information that can help us find the correct channels to start mining for targeted lead prospects. Whether you're trying to add to your current database or need AimVox Data to effectively utilize our platform to maintain growth rate and/or close 5-10X more pipe-lined deals AimVox is here to help!


2. Research Leads

After the list building using our AimVox Decision-Maker & Prospect ID repository, we dive deeply into researching everyone of the leads. Our software uses a multi-channel digital prospecting approach, the monitoring, analytics, and KPI searching abilities built into AimVox360, along with multi-touch points, allowing you you to find today's buyer at just the right time on the medium they prefer whether it be via text, email, voice, social. All this compounded by a hybrid approach of a human-enabled technology platform with sales prospecting agents (SPA's) to ensure quality and identify buying signals within every single lead. During this process we also ensure that all the information is both accurate and valid.


3. Personalized Email-Text-Voice Outreach

AimVox will then use what information is automatically researched about the lead and craft personalized messaging and effective outreach cadence to ensure the highest response and conversion rates. If necessary, you can also utilize AimVox Team-Dialing to then call all the sales leads generated by the AimVox 360 outbound campaigns. 


4. Follow-Up

For leads that do not reply after a certain amount of days, AimVox will craft another personalized Email-Text-Voice connection campaign for proper follow up. Usually this is 4-14 days depending on the size of clients database and monthly lead quotas, after the initial outreach. AimVox automatically keeps track of all of the emails-text sends to see if the leads opened up your email-text or clicked on any website links included. All ring-less voicemail drop analytics are tracked as well allowing us to schedule and enhance your messaging cadence & content. Sometimes, leads simply miss an email or text or just forget to reply and that is why following up with a personal email-text-voicemail send is extremely powerful.


5. Receive Direct Response Leads In Real-Time

Any leads that do not reply to you directly via email-text-voice. We send out the leads that clicked on or viewed your content on a daily/weekly basis, but the schedule is adjustable depending on how much custom data/filtering is involved. We continue to work on our discussed goal of data/leads.


6. Unlimited Support

We generally respond to all support within 2 hours and can be extremely flexible when it comes to custom targeting and filtering for leads. We believe that the people behind the technology we provide is what makes us unique vs just another software company and that communication is key to a long term sales prospecting partnership.


7. Lead/Data Research & Enhancement

In addition, AimVox generating and finding quality top-funnel sales leads, we also can provide custom lead research and competitive intelligence. Lead research is where we help you find information based on a list or a segment of leads & specific prospect details with multiple contact points (direct dial/ext phone numbers, email, text, social profiles, and user based intel. For example if you are a software company, you might want to know what current vendor they are using, or have an add-on solution that can run parallel to that user base. We specialize in user-based data which can be VERY powerful when targeted effectively. This could be from your own list or a lead list generated by AimVox. Some of our clients want custom data research for targeted custom audience ad campaigns. See our AimVox Decision-Maker-Data solution for more information.

Accelerate Lead Generation


AimVox research proves prospecting using a multi-touch approach (Voice-Text-Email) increases lead conversions by 5x


How we do it:

CONTACT highly qualified & tailor made decision maker data

CONNECT high-priority leads with enticing messaging cadences


CONVERT using multi-channel prospecting where today's buyer demands


CLOSE engaged leads & appointments with relevant prospect conversations

Optimize Sales Prospecting


Sales organizations leveraging an optimal contact strategy increase conversion by 128%. 

How we do it:


GUIDE sales & demand activity with powerful, real-time prospect analytics.

AUTOMATE routine activities: manual calls, setting appointments, sending email and text messages, and leaving voicemails @ scale.

SCALE communications and prospect touch with AimVox Team Dialing, and multi-channel prospecting campaigns reaching ready-buyers at scale.

DISTRIBUTE leads to those most likely to convert & close them


Ready to see AimVox in action?

Let's Start Closing More Deals!


Contact us by phone, chat, or email to learn about how we can grow your revenue.


Toll-Free: 888.345.2869


No risk, no obligation, no credit card required.

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